Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Summer, Music Lessons and College Scholarships

One of the strategies families use to help prepare children for college is to provide music instruction. Learning to play a musical instrument can begin as early as three, but starting a little later is more common. There are many long term benefits derived from studying music. Lots of studies show improved development of the left hemisphere of the brain. This helps in math, science and language study as well as in other subjects. Music lessons have also been shown to lead to larger college scholarships.

Summer is a perfect time to start. There’s plenty of time for exploring music, deciding upon an instrument and beginning lessons. Music lessons are held in local music stores, city recreation departments and civic organizations like the YMCA. A good place to start looking is online. Group lessons cost less than individual ones. Let the personality and age of the child dictate which is best.

If children are already taking lessons, summer is a great time to recommit to practice. Rewards can be doled out for dedication and focus. As children improve, so will their work habits and character.  Visiting locations where the instrument being studied is used in a live performance (restaurants, festivals, parties, concerts, etc.) will provide motivation. Be sure too that family members show their appreciation of a student’s efforts by attending any recitals in which the child is performing.

Playing an instrument doesn’t have to lead to a career in music to be of benefit. It’s fun, and it brings families together. Brain development progresses. Personality and character traits change for the better as musical skills improve. In addition, more college scholarship money seems to be awarded to students who have taken music lessons when young. Summer is for relaxation and enjoying time with family. Be sure it’s also put to use to help kids prepare for the future.

For more information, you’ll want my new book, Free College Awareness, coming soon from Griffin Publishing and Watering Seeds. How to avoid needing college loans; available soon to families of Pre-K through High School students.

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