Wednesday, December 28, 2016

How to Teach Children the Value of Money

When my grandsons lived nearby, I took them on several small trips during their summer vacation each year. As a teacher, I had time off too. We went to zoos, museums, whale watching, etc. To save money, the first stop we made on the first trip each summer was to a gift shop. There I let them buy any hat they wanted. I didn’t even look at the price.

This was their only souvenir for the entire summer. No matter how many places we went, I paid for gas, tickets and food. When they were older, and the trips became longer, I also paid the hotel bill. At mealtime I taught them about leaving tips, dining where there were discounts and the like. They learned how to stretch the budget so money was left over for more rides at the zoo and other attractions.

On a weeklong trip to San Diego, we hit all the famous sites. As always, the first stop was at a gift shop where each bought a commemorative hat. Two days later, while walking through the San Diego Zoo, my younger grandson learned about "opportunity cost". Something on a souvenir cart caught his eye. “Grandma, Can I have that?”

“Sure, Honey. But it costs about what lunch will tomorrow, so which do you want more?” His brother answered for him, “Forget about it. We’re having lunch!”

Using fun times to teach real world financial lessons is pretty simple. Just be straight with kids. Money is a finite resource. If you spend it in one place, you don’t have it to spend elsewhere. This works when planning for college too.

You are reading from the blog,, where we empower families with knowledge to navigate the path to higher education without the burden of excessive loans.


For more information, you’ll want my book, Free College, CLICK HERE . It teaches families how to help their kids become more successful in school, college, and life.


As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases, at no additional cost to you.

Image Credit: Google Images

Monday, December 5, 2016

New Year’s Resolutions for Language Classes

Help students start the New Year off right. Students will soon be selecting their classes for the fall semester. This lesson will encourage them to do what is best; continue their French or German study. Although some people do not keep resolutions, many do.

I always started off with an example from real life. Decades ago my dentist told me I was dehydrated and needed to drink more water. But, I don’t like the taste of water. That year I resolved to drink a full glass of water after brushing my teeth each morning. I still do. I even drink one after brushing my teeth at night.

Talk to students about how they too can improve their lives in some little way. It can be health related (sleeping ten hours each night), relationship related (be nicer to their little sister), school related (homework before electronics), or whatever. 

The goal of this lesson is to get students thinking about doing what is good for them in baby steps. You will also sneak in a little practice in vocabulary and use of the future tense.

Supplies Needed: One large white poster. If this is not available to you on campus for free, go to Smart and Final or some other restaurant supply store and buy yourself a roll of white butcher paper 
CLICK HERE (ad). It is much less expensive, and has many uses. Two fine felt tipped pens of two different colors. I used black and blue, but any two dark contrasting colors will do. Two wide, felt tipped pens of two different colors. Pick colors that are bright, cheerful and easy to read from a distance CLICK HERE (ad).

1. Using the wide pens put the title BONNES RÉSOLUTIONS DE NOUVEL AN or NEUJAHRVORSÄTZE on the top of the poster. Beneath that write the fragment: “ Je vais…” or “Ich werde…”

2. Create two columns on the poster, numbering one through the total number of students you have enrolled in all your classes combined.

3. As a homework assignment, have students write down one little thing they could do which would make their lives just a little bit better (In the language they are studying, of course). Give them an example or two from your life.

4. The next day, have them check each other’s grammar and spelling. You can check it yourself during class time, or during your prep.

5. Have students make corrections. Once complete, while the class is busy with another task, have each student put his/her resolution on the poster using a thin felt marker CLICK HERE (ad), alternating colors to improve legibility. Have them place their initials next to their resolutions.

6. Give them points for this assignment. Encourage them to write their resolutions in their school planners and read them over at the beginning of each day. Explain to them the power of “intent”. 

You are reading from the blog,, where we empower families with knowledge to navigate the path to higher education without the burden of excessive loans.


For more information, you’ll want my book, Free College, CLICK HERE . It teaches families how to help their kids become more successful in school, college, and life.


As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases, at no additional cost to you.

Image Credit: Pixabay

The Importance of Education

Monday, November 21, 2016

Pre-Winter Break Lesson Plan

The day before a holiday, Thanksgiving, Christmas Break, Easter Break, even a pseudo-holiday like Halloween, is usually just this side of insane. Students don’t want to work. There’s candy everywhere. Gifts are being given. Focus is lost. Just keeping the lid on seems overwhelming. Unless you have an educationally sound, kid-approved lesson that keeps them interested, occupied and engaged. Decades ago I created such a lesson. Kids loved it. I loved it. It‘s easy, academic and fun! The bonus of this lesson, it helped with student retention in foreign language classes. 

Here are the steps to follow: 

1. Completely erase the entire white board. You will want the space. 

2. Number the entire board from 1 to 35. Place holiday appropriate symbols, like pumpkins, around each number. 

3. Put a large assortment of dry erase pens at the front of the room. The more color variety the better CLICK HERE (ad).

4. After school, the day before a holiday, have each student in your most advanced class go to the board and draw a culturally appropriate picture next to a number. If your class is smaller than 35, they will need to draw more than one. Be sure to explain to the class the night before they need to come up with three or four ideas for their drawings. Most students are eager, although the shy need some encouragement. After this has become a tradition in your classes, you will overhear students commenting they look forward to being in the class that gets to draw the pictures. Never let an underclassman participate in putting the pictures on the board. 

5. Check each picture as they finish drawing. A few may need a little help so their drawings are clear, and some can be too obscure. You may need to edit, as students can be a bit gross at time. One Thanksgiving students drew a very vivid picture of a turkey being beheaded. I erased that one. Remember, all day students are going to see these pictures. You want to understand them, so you can give hints if necessary. My favorite was The Twilight Zone Marathon. It became a tradition in my program which was passed down each year from class to class. 

6. Before the first class arrives the next morning, place a stack of German (French, Spanish, Chinese)/English dictionaries on the first desk of each row. I always had enough dictionaries that students could work in groups of two. Three does not work. Working alone is tough. 

7. Students should look up what they see on the board, and write the German (French, etc.) on their own papers. Don’t let them put two student names on one paper. This never works. Trust me on this. 

8. They must write the definite article and the noun. If there is an adjective, like in a drawing of black cat, they must include the adjective, with the correct ending. This allows you to preview grammar not yet taught. Students are very receptive to this, and ask for help. It’s a contest. They want to win.

 9. Buy a small bag of individually wrapped candy CLICK HERE (ad) and give a piece to each member of the first team finished. Or, give them stickers CLICK HERE (ad), even high school kids love them. Be sure to check the work. Sometimes they make errors, of course. Don’t be too picky. Perfection is not the goal.

 10. After the first group finishes, and as each group finishes, they will help their classmates. You’ll find they don’t give them the answers, but give them hints instead, especially in grammar.  

11. Collect work as it’s finished and the rest at the end of the period. Grading is subjective. First year classes typically have a few students who finish by the end of the class period. Most, however, finish about half of the pictures. Second year will complete more. The majority complete about two-thirds of the pictures. Most third year students finish them all, as do AP/IB/fourth year students. 

12. There are several goals in this lesson. Students learn the correct way to use the dictionary. They learn the symbols and abbreviations. It removes the mind-numbing boredom a dictionary lesson will create, and replaces it with fun. 

Students learn vocabulary that’s both meaningful, and is usually more advanced than where they are in the curriculum. This they do without complaint. You are able to foreshadow grammar, so when it arrives later in the school year, you’re able to point back to what they discovered at Halloween or Thanksgiving. 

Finally, it keeps students focused, doing an academic lesson without arguing at a time where students are going nuts in other classes. I had four decades of happy “day before’s” while colleagues were losing their minds.

If you don’t teach a foreign language class, adapt this lesson to your curriculum. Remember to keep it fun and entertaining, but academic. 

You are reading from the blog,, where we empower families with knowledge to navigate the path to higher education without the burden of excessive loans.


For more information, you’ll want my book, Free College, CLICK HERE. It teaches families how to help their kids become more successful in school, college, and life.

As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases at no cost to you.

Photo Credit: Google Images

Setting Expectations

Full Ride Colleges and Universities Still Exist – Middlebury College

While the cost of obtaining a college degree in the U.S. has continued to climb, some colleges and universities offer enough financial support to make them virtually free to attend. Most of these institutions are private, and about two-thirds are liberal arts, according to a recent U.S. News and World Report survey. Half base how much they provide a student by the financial need of the family (as determined by the FAFSA form). The others base their contribution on merit alone.

A Full Ride is still possible at is Middlebury College; ranked number 4 (Tie) in the nation by U.S. News. Middlebury College is located in a rural area in Vermont. The college was founded in 1800. The campus covers 350 acres. The current undergraduate population is 2,542 students. It’s a world class institution which provides an excellent education.

The application deadline at Middlebury College is January 01. The early action deadline is November 01. There's a $65 fee to apply to the university. ACT and SAT test scores are due on January 01. It's difficult to be selected to attend, with an acceptance rate of only 17 percent, but since the student to faculty ratio is 8:1 and most classes contain only 20 students, it's worth the effort to try.

The cost of tuition and fees for a year at Middlebury College is $50,063, (2016-2017) and since freshmen are required to live on college, it’s important to note that room and board are an additional $14,269 annually. But with a Full Ride, this doesn’t matter. Most colleges that provide a Full Ride do so by combining student loans, scholarships, grants and a work-study program. 

The most important aspect of planning to go to any such university is to make sure that the amount of student loan required is zero, or close to it. The rest of the aid is free money. It never has to be paid back. It’s advantageous to attend college somewhere that provides a suitable education without leaving the graduate with a mountain of student loan debt.

You are reading from the blog,, where we empower families with knowledge to navigate the path to higher education without the burden of excessive loans.


For more information, you’ll want my book, Free College, CLICK HERE . It teaches families how to help their kids become more successful in school, college, and life.


As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases, at no additional cost to you.

Image Credit: Google Images

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Great Snacks for School

Students are frequently hungry between meals. It’s easy for them to grab a granola bar or some kind of candy, but these foods won’t help the brain function, grades improve or students win free money for college. Protein can do the trick. Prepackaged string cheese, nuts or seeds fit the bill, 
CLICK HERE (ad). They are healthy, small enough to carry around and taste good.

Packaged meat sticks are also handy and contain protein, but they frequently contain a long list of hard to pronounce ingredients. If you can find some without lots of chemicals or preservatives, then meat eaters could enjoy snacking on them, CLICK HERE (ad), while loading up on brain healthy protein.

Remember that most schools have a no eating in class rule. This doesn’t prohibit middle and high school students from snacking while moving from one class to another. Just remind students to dispose of the wrapper in the trash when they are finished. They should also drink plenty of water, since the brain doesn’t function well when dehydrated.

You are reading from the blog,, where we empower families with knowledge to navigate the path to higher education without the burden of excessive loans.


For more information, you’ll want my book, Free College, CLICK HERE . It teaches families how to help their kids become more successful in school, college, and life.


As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases, at no additional cost to you.

Image Credit: Google Images

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Pre-Thanksgiving Classroom Management Activity

The day before a holiday, Thanksgiving, Christmas Break, Easter Break, even a pseudo-holiday like Halloween, is usually just this side of insane. Students don’t want to work. There’s candy everywhere. Gifts are being given. Focus is lost. Just keeping the lid on seems overwhelming. Unless you have an educationally sound, kid-approved lesson that keeps them interested, occupied and engaged. 

Decades ago I created such a lesson. Kids loved it. I loved it. It‘s easy, academic and fun! The bonus of this lesson, it helped with student retention in foreign language classes.

Here are the steps to follow:

1. Completely erase the entire white board. You'll want the space.

2. Number the entire board from 1 to 35. Place holiday appropriate symbols, like pumpkins, around each number.

3. Put a large assortment of dry erase pens at the front of the room. The more color variety the better, CLICK HERE (ad). 

4. After school, the day before the holiday, have each student in your most advanced class go to the board and draw a culturally appropriate picture next to a number. If your class is smaller than 35, they will need to draw more than one. Be sure to explain to the class the night before they need to come up with three or four ideas for their drawings. 

Most students are eager, although the shy ones often need some encouragement. After this has become a tradition in your classes, you will overhear students commenting they look forward to being in the class that gets to draw the pictures. Never let an underclassman participate in putting the pictures on the board.

5. Check each picture as they finish drawing. A few may need a little help so their drawings are clear, as some can be too obscure. You may need to edit, as students can be a bit gross at time. One Thanksgiving students drew a very vivid picture of a turkey being beheaded. I erased that one. Remember, all day students are going to see these pictures. You want to understand them, so you can give hints if necessary. My favorite was The Twilight Zone Marathon. It became a tradition in my program which was passed down each year from class to class.

6. Before the first class arrives the next morning, place a stack of German (French, Spanish, Chinese)/English dictionaries on the first desk of each row. I always had enough dictionaries that students could work in groups of two. Three does not work. Working alone is tough.

7. Students should look up what they see on the board, and write the German (French, etc.) on their own papers. Don’t let them put two student names on one paper. This never works. Trust me on this.

8. They must write the definite article and the noun. If there is an adjective, like in a drawing of black cat, they must include the adjective, with the correct ending. This allows you to preview grammar not yet taught. Students are very receptive to this, and ask for help. It’s a contest. They want to win.

 9. Buy a small bag of individually wrapped candy CLICK HERE (ad), and give a piece to each member of the first team finished. Be sure to check the work. Sometimes they make errors, of course. Don’t be too picky. Perfection is not the goal.

 10. After the first group finishes, and as each group finishes, they will help their classmates. You’ll find they don’t give them the answers, but give them hints instead, especially in grammar.  

11. Collect work as it’s finished and pick up the rest at the end of the period. Grading is subjective. First year classes typically have a few students who finish by the end of the class period. Most, however, finish about half of the pictures. Second year will complete more. The majority complete about two-thirds of the pictures. Most third year students finish them all, as do AP/IB/fourth year students.

12. There are several goals in this lesson. Students learn the correct way to use the dictionary. They learn the symbols and abbreviations. It removes the mind-numbing boredom a dictionary lesson will create, and replaces it with fun. 

Students learn vocabulary that’s both meaningful, and is usually more advanced than where they are in the curriculum. This they do without complaint. You are able to foreshadow grammar, so when it arrives later in the school year, you’re able to point back to what they discovered at Halloween or Thanksgiving. 

Finally, it keeps students focused, doing an academic lesson without arguing at a time where students are going nuts in other classes. I had four decades of happy “day before's” while colleagues were losing their minds.

If you don’t teach a foreign language class, adapt this lesson to your curriculum. Remember to keep it fun and entertaining, but academic. 

You are reading from the blog,, where we empower families with knowledge to navigate the path to higher education without the burden of excessive loans.


For more information, you’ll want my book, Free College, CLICK HERE . It teaches families how to help their kids become more successful in school, college, and life.


As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases, at no additional cost to you.

Image Credit: Google Images

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Full Ride Colleges and Universities Still Exist – University of Chicago

The cost of a college degree in the U.S. has continued to soar, but some colleges and universities offer enough financial aid to make them almost free. Most of these universities are private, and about two-thirds are liberal arts. This is from a recent U.S. News and World Report survey. The financial need of the family (as determined by the FAFSA form) is taken into consideration by about half of these institutions. The rest contribute based on merit alone.

One university where a Full Ride is possible is the University of Chicago, which is tied for number three in the country by U.S. News and World Report as of the date of this blog post. The university is located in a big city environment in Hyde Park, Chicago. It was founded in 1890. The campus covers only 217 acres. There are 5,844 current undergraduate students. In addition to the college, there are a large number of graduate and professional schools.

The deadline for applications to attend the University of Chicago is January First. The early action deadline is November first. The application fee is $75. The acceptance rate is 8%, which is better than the Harvard, Yale or Princeton, but it is also more expensive.

The cost of tuition and fees each year at the University of Chicago is $52,491, (2016-2017). This is high, but with a Full Ride Scholarship, it doesn’t matter much. Most colleges that provide a Full Ride do so by combining student loans, scholarships, grants and a work-study program. The most important aspect of planning to go to any high cost university such as this, is to make sure the amount of student loan required is zero, or close to it. The rest of the aid is free money. It never has to be paid back. It’s wise to attend a college that provides a suitable education without leaving the graduate with any student loan debt.

You are reading from the blog,, where we empower families with knowledge to navigate the path to higher education without the burden of excessive loans.


For more information, you’ll want my book, Free College, CLICK HERE . It teaches families how to help their kids become more successful in school, college, and life.


As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases, at no additional cost to you.

Image Credit: Google Images

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Most of My Students Did More Homework than Assigned

I know this seems unlikely, but it was true for my entire teaching career. I can’t take credit, however. My master teacher taught me this simple, genius plan. I taught a few years in middle school, but most of the time, I taught in a public high school. I used this plan when teaching French, German or English.

I assigned homework Mondays through Thursdays. I never gave students homework on Fridays, weekends or over holidays. They had a semester project to complete. They completed them during these non-homework days.

Homework for the week was posted on my website each Thursday. I uploaded the assignments during my conference period, after designing the lesson plans for the next week (which I also did during my conference period each Thursday). The assignments for each day were also posted on the whiteboard in front of the room. Students were used to seeing their assignments in this location.

Students could complete as much or as little of each assignment as they wished. They were rewarded for doing more than assigned. The grading went this way: 
Zero=Did not attempt the assignment, Check Minus=Completed part of the assignment, or it was late, Check=Completed the assignment as assigned, Check Plus=Completed extra work, in addition to what was assigned, Plus=Completed double what was assigned.

Homework recorded this way was not graded for quality or accuracy. It was practice on vocabulary or grammar. The work was checked to see how much was completed, this was recorded, and the work remained in the students' notebooks. There, it was often used as a resource. We went over it while students had their notebooks open to their completed homework. Then they put their notebooks away. We often had quizzes on these assignments. It was pointed out to students that those who did extra always did well on quizzes.

This was part of the incentive to do more than assigned, but there was more motivation. At the end of each grading period, I balanced the check marks, pluses and zeroes. If the student balanced into the positive, I raised his grade to the next level (usually just a plus mark). If, however, the student’s work ended up a minus, then I lowered the letter grade one notch (usually a minus sign).

Keeping track was easy. I used pieces of graph paper, CLICK HERE (ad), one for each row. I put the students’ names on the left, and an abbreviation of the assignment at the top of each vertical column. Where they intersected, I placed the symbol earned. It was very visual. Students and I could see clearly when someone had a positive or negative pattern going.

At times, when going through the papers, I showed a student his pattern. It was hard to deny when zeroes or minus signs appeared. At other times, students encouraged each other. This was especially true of other students seated in the same row. They acted as a team and cheered each other on to improve. Competition can sometimes be a good thing.

Once students are used to this routine, they catch on to the “tricks”. Since they know their homework in advance, busy and clever students work ahead. They’re prepared with their completed work on the day it’s due. Often they do so with double the assignment finished. This makes up for a day when they’re swamped in another class and perhaps can’t finish everything in my class.

I can truthfully say most of my students did more homework than I assigned most of the time. It made all the difference in the scores on their routine quizzes, their chapter tests and their final grades. I’m sure those grades made a significant difference when they applied to college and for scholarships. All this from doing as much or as little homework as they liked.

You are reading from the blog,, where we empower families with knowledge to navigate the path to higher education without the burden of excessive loans.


For more information, you’ll want my book, Free College, CLICK HERE . It teaches families how to help their kids become more successful in school, college, and life.


As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases, at no additional cost to you.

Image Credit: Google Images

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Another Tip to Make Learning Easier

Although eating breakfast daily is important for health reasons, it’s also going to help you learn more, get better grades and even have a better shot at winning more free cash for college. What you eat at breakfast matters. A sugary cereal, breakfast bar or blender smoothie masquerading as healthy food just won’t work.

Each meal should contain different types of nutrients. Protein is an important one as it enhances concentration, learning and memory. In other words, eating protein makes it easier to understand what you’re learning in class and to remember it. How much protein you need varies by your age, body weight, gender and amount of exercise you get in a day.

One simple to prepare and easy to eat food is eggs. One egg will give you about 14% of your daily recommended amount of protein. They’re easiest to add to breakfast of all the different kinds of foods that contain protein (fish, lentils, chicken, black beans and others). You can even make them in advance. 

Here’s how:

1.   Decide how many days each week you want to add an egg to your breakfast and multiply that number by how many people will be eating them. The more eggs, the bigger the saucepan you need.

2.   Place them in a single layer in the pan. Here's an example, CLICK HERE (ad). Put enough cold water into the pan to cover the eggs with one inch of water above them. (The greater the number of eggs, the more water needed.)

3.   Turn the heat up to high, and let the water come to a boil.

4.   Turn the heat off, and let the pan sit on the hot burner for ten to twelve minutes. (It’s okay to cook them longer. It just makes the yolk harder.)

5.   Use the lid to hold the eggs in the pan, and pour out the hot water (carefully) into the sink. Run cold water over the eggs to stop them from cooking.

6.   After they’ve cooled off, you can put them in a bowl and keep them in the refrigerator. (Eat them within five days.)

7.   Peel and eat one each morning along with your cereal or other breakfast foods.

This isn’t the only way to add protein to your breakfast, but it’s the easiest way and very low cost. Don’t forget to add a wholesome (low sugar) cereal or oatmeal, a piece of fresh fruit and a glass of milk (if you're not lactose intolerant), and you have a complete breakfast. It may seem like a waste of time to eat breakfast each morning, but the brain needs food to function properly. So do you. 

You are reading from the blog,, where we empower families with knowledge to navigate the path to higher education without the burden of excessive loans.


For more information, you’ll want my book, Free College, CLICK HERE . It teaches families how to help their kids become more successful in school, college, and life.


As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases, at no additional cost to you.

Image Credit: Pixabay

Monday, October 17, 2016

If You Want to Feel Good about Teaching

Give students an assessment test the first week of the school year. Grade it and file it away, but don’t record the score. At the end of the school year, give them the same exam and grade it. Then hand them the copy of the exam they took the first week of school. Let them see how much they learned.

Then stand back and prepare for tears. Some of them will gush, look you straight in the face and choke out the words, “Thank you.” It’s sometimes hard to know the impact teaching makes. It’s especially difficult when teaching English or Math. You never really see how much they learned and improved in one year.

It’s easier in a foreign language class. I've taught both English and the foreign languages German and French. The best feeling I ever had teaching was when a student in an eighth grade English class looked at her two exams and realized how much she had learned. She became emotional. Her gratitude was written all over her face. She knew we had accomplished this improvement together. I helped her on her path to college, and she was grateful.

You are reading from the blog,, where we empower families with knowledge to navigate the path to higher education without the burden of excessive loans.


For more information, you’ll want my book, Free College, CLICK HERE . It teaches families how to help their kids become more successful in school, college, and life.


As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases, at no additional cost to you.

Image Credit: Google Images

Life Is Amazing

Friday, October 14, 2016

Full Ride Colleges and Universities Still Exist – Yale

The cost of completing a college degree in the U.S. has continued to increase. Some colleges and universities offer enough financial support to make them practically free to attend. Most of these universities are private, and about two-thirds are liberal arts, according to a recent U.S. News and World Report survey. Half decide how much they provide a student by the financial need of the family (after looking at the FAFSA form). Others base their contribution on merit alone.

One place where a Full Ride is possible is Yale University, CLICK HERE (ad) to learn more about the history of Yale), ranked number 3 (tied) in the nation by U.S. News. Yale is located in the city of New Haven, Connecticut. It was founded in 1701, making it one of the oldest universities in the country. The campus covers 343 acres. The current undergraduate population is 5,532 students. It’s a world renown university which provides a world class education.

The application deadline at Yale is January First. The early action deadline is November First. There’s an $80 fee to apply to the university. ACT or SAT test scores are due on March First. The acceptance rate is only 7%.

The cost of tuition and fees for a year at Yale is $47,960, (2016-2017). But with a Full Ride, this doesn’t matter. Most colleges that provide a Full Ride do so by combining student loans, scholarships, grants and a work-study program. The most important aspect of planning to go to any such university is to make sure that the amount of student loan required is zero, or close to it. 

The rest of the aid is free money. It never has to be paid back. It’s prudent to attend college somewhere that provides a suitable education without leaving the graduate with a mountain of student loan debt.

You are reading from the blog,, where we empower families with knowledge to navigate the path to higher education without the burden of excessive loans.


For more information, you’ll want my book, Free College, CLICK HERE . It teaches families how to help their kids become more successful in school, college, and life.


As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases, at no additional cost to you.

Image Credit: Pixabay