Friday, September 28, 2018
Wednesday, September 26, 2018
Pre-Halloween Lesson Plan
The day before a holiday, Thanksgiving, Christmas Break, Easter Break, even a pseudo-holiday like Halloween, is usually just this side of insane. Students don’t want to work. There’s candy everywhere. Gifts are being given. Focus is lost. Just keeping the lid on seems overwhelming; unless you have an educationally sound, kid-approved lesson that keeps them interested, occupied and engaged. Decades ago I created such a lesson. Kids loved it. I loved it. It‘s easy, academic and fun! The bonus of this lesson, it helped with student retention in foreign language classes.
The steps to follow:
1. Completely erase the entire white board. You'll want the space.
2. Number the entire board from 1 to 35. Place holiday appropriate symbols, like pumpkins, around each number.
3. Put a large assortment of dry erase pens at the front of the room. The more color variety the better.
4. After school, the day before a holiday, have each student in your most advanced class go to the board and draw a culturally appropriate picture next to a number. If your class is smaller than 35, they'll need to draw more than one. Be sure to explain to the class the night before they need to come up with three or four ideas for their drawings. Most students are eager, although the shy need some encouragement. After this has become a tradition in your classes, you'll overhear students commenting they look forward to being in the class that gets to draw the pictures. Never let an underclassman participate in putting the pictures on the board.
5. Check each picture as they finish drawing. A few may need a little help so their drawings are clear, and some can be too obscure. You may need to edit, as students can be a bit gross at time. One Thanksgiving students drew a very vivid picture of a turkey being beheaded. I erased that one. Remember, all day students are going to see these pictures. You want to understand them, so you can give hints if necessary. My favorite was The Twilight Zone Marathon. It became a tradition in my program which was passed down each year from class to class.
6. Before the first class arrives the next morning, place a stack of German (French, Spanish, Chinese)/English dictionaries on the first desk of each row. I always had enough dictionaries so students could work in groups of two. Three doesn't work. Working alone is tough.
7. Students should look up what they see on the board, and write the German (French, etc.) on their own papers. Don’t let them put two student names on one paper. This never works. Trust me on this.
8. They must write the definite article and the noun. If there's an adjective, like in a drawing of black cat, they must include the adjective with the correct ending. This allows you to preview grammar not yet taught. Students are very receptive to this, and ask for help. It’s a contest. They want to win.
9. Buy a small bag of individually wrapped candy, stickers, etc. and give a piece to each member of the first team finished. Be sure to check the work. Sometimes they make errors, of course. Don’t be too picky. Perfection is not the goal.
10. After the first group finishes, and as each group finishes, they'll help their classmates. You’ll find they don’t give them the answers, but give them hints instead, especially in grammar.
11. Collect work as it’s finished and the rest at the end of the period. Grading is subjective. First year classes typically have a few students who finish by the end of the class period. Most, however, finish about half of the pictures. Second year will complete more. The majority complete about two-thirds of the pictures. Most third year students finish them all, as do AP/IB/fourth year students.
12. There are several goals in this lesson. Students learn the correct way to use the dictionary. They learn the symbols and abbreviations. It removes the mind-numbing boredom of a typical dictionary lesson, and replaces it with fun. Students learn vocabulary that’s both meaningful, and is usually more advanced than where they are in the curriculum. This they do without complaint. You're able to foreshadow grammar, so when it arrives later in the school year, you’re able to point back to what they discovered at Halloween or Thanksgiving. Finally, it keeps students focused, doing an academic lesson without arguing at a time where students are going nuts in other classes. I had four decades of happy “day before’s” while colleagues were losing their minds.
If you don't teach a foreign language class, adapt this lesson to your subject matter. Remember to keep it relaxed and fun, but academic.
You are reading from the blog,, where we empower families with knowledge to navigate the path to higher education without the burden of excessive loans.
For more information, you’ll want my book, Free College, CLICK HERE. It teaches families how to help their kids become more successful in school, college, and life.
As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases at no cost to you.
Photo Credit: Google Images
Monday, September 24, 2018
Friday, September 21, 2018
Wednesday, September 19, 2018
Back to School Night Made Easy
Back to School Night can be a complete waste of time or an effective tool to help students succeed. You choose. The first several years of my teaching career, I did exactly what administration told us all to do at Back to School Night. I repeated everything I had included in the course outline letter I sent home with students the first week of school. It included the class procedures, expectations, rules, grading system, due dates, homework, etc. Then I realized rereading it aloud was a complete waste of time and insulting to parents. They had already read, signed and returned the letter to me.
Instead, I began to use Back to School Night to help students become more successful. I wrote the night’s agenda on the board each year. The first few items were the main topics from the letter, (so any administrator who entered the room would see that they had been covered). But the rest was what I wanted the parents to do to help their children learn.
1. Eat dinner together as a family. (I explain that all studies show students do better in school and in life if they had dinner with their family at least five nights each week while growing up.)
2. Check homework. (I remind parents that I assign homework Monday through Thursday each week. It's posted on my website each Thursday for the upcoming week. It's never oppressive or “busy work”.)
3. Turn off electronics two hours before bedtime, and be sure students sleep the recommended number of hours for their age group, 8-10 hours for teenagers. (Studies show that electronic use before bed is detrimental to sleep quality. What is learned each day is moved from short term memory to long term memory during sleep.)
4. Make sure students have a nutritious breakfast each morning. (Students eating a full, healthy breakfast have more success in school than those who drink a fruit smoothie or eat a granola or power bar for breakfast, and often earn more money in scholarships. I also give parents ideas for how they can do this without it becoming oppressive.)
5. Give their children the book Seven Habits of Effective Teens by Sean Covey, son of Stephen Covey who wrote Seven Habits of Effective People. (The book shows teenagers how they can get what they want in life, makes them happier and easier to get along with at home and at school.)
After I started using Back to School Night to influence the behavior of parents, to get them to do what would make their children happier, healthier, better rested and ready to learn, student success increased. It also had the side benefit of making me feel like going to Back to School Night was not a complete waste of time.
If you have Pre-K through High School students in your family, you'll want my new book, Free College, on Amazon (Click Here to Buy). It can help you avoid taking out dangerous college loans.
You are reading from the blog,, where we empower families with knowledge to navigate the path to higher education without the burden of excessive loans.
For more information, you’ll want my book, Free College, CLICK HERE. It teaches families how to help their kids become more successful in school, college, and life.
As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases at no cost to you.
Photo Credit: Google Images
Monday, September 17, 2018
Friday, September 14, 2018
Wednesday, September 12, 2018
College and Scholarship Readiness, Part II
A few weeks
ago I was invited to participate in an online chat by Jodi Okun, author,
entrepreneur and founder of College Financial Aid. The chat, #CollegeCash, took
place on Twitter. The title of the chat was similar to the title of this
article. I decided to expand on my answers on my blog this month. Where you see
bold print below, these are the questions and answers which appeared on the chat.
I’ve added additional information for this article.
Q3 @ElizaWallace27 Where should parents
and students look for scholarships?
A3 Start with family connections at
work, church, civic clubs, fraternities, other associations and groups. Many businesses provide scholarship
opportunities for the children of their employees. Check with the human
resources department to see if yours does. Also check with any union or
professional association to which you belong.
Churches and civic organizations often have scholarships or grants available.
If yours do not, they can often provide you with alternatives through their connections
in the community.
A3 Move on to civic organizations,
foundations, local, state and federal grants and scholarships. Various civic organizations,
foundations and clubs offer grants to needy families. They also often provide
scholarships to an assortment of students. Some scholarships are quite large, apply for those. Others are fairly
small, but still worth the effort. Often students overlook small scholarships,
but they can be easier to win, for that very reason. There’s less competition.
Be sure to look into political groups at all levels, local, state, county and
federal. There are grants to be had. Last year, more than $46 billion in grant
money was not awarded. Be sure your student qualifies and apply. I’ve known
several worthy students who failed to apply for free money. Don’t do the same.
A3 Spread out online, use mobile
apps, social media, such as @Scholarships360 and @fastweb @payingforschool on
Twitter, etc.
I have
found several organizations and individuals on Twitter who post scholarship and
grant information often. A simple search will show you who they are. In addition to
searching under the word, “scholarships”, try adding qualifiers, such as “scholarships
for elementary students”. Follow any site which seems to fit your needs. In
addition, do a google search using keywords relating to your needs. There are
other social media platforms and apps which can help. Find whatever you’re
comfortable with using and stick to them. There’s no need to struggle through a
site that is too complex, when there are so many others.
Q4 @ElizaWallace27 What are the most
important strategies parents and students can use outside of school?
A4 Enroll children in enrichment
courses at a local college beginning in elementary, and continuing through high
school. I was very
surprised when I found this was the most significant strategy of successful
scholarship winners. Every full-ride scholarship winner I interviewed had taken
several summer enrichment courses at colleges and universities. It makes sense. Colleges want to be sure students can handle their rigor before they give
out free money. Taking these courses shows a willingness to do the work. But
don’t think these classes are torture. Take only the offerings which are in
areas of your interest, talent or strength. This way you’ll be successful and have a
good time too. Start in elementary school, and don’t stop until your senior
year in high school.
A4 Find a safe place in the
community for students to volunteer.
Universities like to see students aren’t
one dimensional. They want students to have a cause or purpose outside of themselves.
There are many organizations which allow students to “give back”. Locate them
through churches, clubs, the school your child attends, the Scouts, etc.
Volunteering benefits children in many ways. They develop greater people
skills, self-confidence and empathy. You can find organizations all over, but
be sure to check them out to make sure they are safe, based on the age of your child.
Like with enrichment courses, pick something that interests your child.
A4 Students should learn to play a
musical instrument and take lessons through middle school. This was the second surprise in my
research. Although I knew the value of studying music for children, I didn’t
know there is a great deal of research that supports my belief. I’ve written
several blog posts about the benefits of music lessons and where they can be
found. Here’s a recent one, Click Here to read it now. I've also dedicated an entire chapter to the subject in my new book.
A4 Stick to all of these over time.
Colleges like to see consistency.
Be sure when children start taking enrichment courses,
volunteering or taking music lessons that they stick to what they select. It
does not look good to see children being erratic. A consistent history looks
far better. Be sure to keep a log of their activities and college letters of
recommendation from those in charge. These will come in handy later when
applying for college, grants or scholarships. You will find a place to keep all
of this information handy in my new book, available on Amazon Free College.
I’ve included lined pages after each chapter and at the end of the book for
this purpose.
Q5 @ElizaWallace27 When is the right
time to visit a college?
A5 Families can visit colleges
informally while taking family vacations or attending concerts, festivals and
other public events.
When planning Spring Break or Summer
Vacation travel, keep in mind that college towns are everywhere. There are
several along the Southern California coast as an example, Pepperdine, UCLA, Loyola
Marymount, to name a few. You don’t need to go far from home, but if you intend to do so, do
a little research and perhaps take in a play or concert at a college near your
relatives or wherever you decide to go.
A5 Students should be enrolled in
enrichment courses on college campuses each summer. I discussed taking enrichment
courses earlier, but remember, when winning scholarships is the goal, enrichment courses taken
at colleges and universities are the most suitable. Although a course at a YMCA
or youth organization might be quite rigorous, university personnel have a
natural preference for courses taught at universities. Use this knowledge to
your advantage.
A5 Start making formal visits to
tour colleges by ninth grade.
Some people think the junior year of high school is optimal for visiting
colleges. I believe this just adds stress. Start earlier, when the senior year
is still in the distance. By the time it arrives, students are comfortable with
the process. I can’t tell you how many freaked out kids come back from college
visits in their junior year. It can be overwhelming. It’s wise to begin taking
informal tours when a child isn’t even thinking about college, and build up to
formal visits later. Don’t wait for the senior year to take the formal tours,
however. To do so may cause confusion. I once had a senior come back depressed from
visiting MIT, Yale and Harvard. They all offered a full-ride scholarship.
Instead of being happy, the student was anxious. This was caused by waiting so
late. (Good news, this student graduated from MIT with honors and now is very
successful in the software industry.)
You are reading from the blog,, where we empower families with knowledge to navigate the path to higher education without the burden of excessive loans.
For more information, you’ll want my book, Free College, CLICK HERE. It teaches families how to help their kids become more successful in school, college, and life.
As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases at no cost to you.
Photo Credit: Google Images
Monday, September 10, 2018
Friday, September 7, 2018
Wednesday, September 5, 2018
College and Scholarship Readiness, Part I
Recently I
was invited to participate in an online chat by Jodi Okun, author, entrepreneur
and founder of College Financial Aid. The chat, #CollegeCash, took place last
week on Twitter. The title of the chat was the same as this article. I decided
to expand on my answers this month on my blog. Where you see bold print below,
these are the questions and answers which appeared on the chat. I’ve added the
rest of the information since.
Q1 @ElizaWallace27 What should
parents be doing right now when it comes to preparing their kids for college?
A1 While children are little, read
to them and with them, give books as gifts, visit bookstores and libraries. Many studies have shown that children,
who have received a great deal of attention and have been spoken to constantly during
their first three years of life, do far better in school. Furthermore, making
books and songs part of their preschool lives gives them the foundation they
need to be successful in kindergarten and beyond.
A1 For elementary aged children,
enroll them in music lessons. Find lessons nearby and encourage them to
continue with these lessons through middle school. Several recent medical studies have
found greater development in the left hemisphere of the brains of children who
have learned how to play a musical instrument and who have had lessons while
growing up. This gives them an advantage in math, science and foreign language
classes. I discovered that students who had studied music earned far more
scholarship money for college.
A1 Find a sport each child likes and
could continue for life, swimming, tennis, track, etc. Encourage them to
participate through high school.
In addition to the physical and psychological benefits of playing a sport,
children also learn teamwork when doing so. Learning and enjoying a lifetime
sport or activity means children will have something physical to do in order to
stay fit, reduce stress and remain healthy throughout their lives. Medical
research shows there are many benefits of staying active, including delaying or
preventing dementia. This is a gift parents can give their lives that will
continue to assist them forever.
Q2 @ElizaWallace27 Is there a
financial aid to-do list for elementary, middle and high school students?
A2 Parents of elementary students
should find scholarships and apply for all which are available to the age group
of their children. Many
parents and students believe college scholarships are only available to high
school seniors. This is far from the case. I have seen many scholarships online
which are available to students of all ages. Several were aimed at elementary
school students. Although these children are too young to fill out the forms
alone, parents can do this for them. Start collecting scholarships as soon as
possible, so there will be enough money later on to pay for college, without
needing to take out student loans.
A2 Help middle school aged children
apply for a few scholarships each month. Spend a little time to set up an account on Twitter
and/or Facebook, so you can search for college scholarships or grants for your
child. Create a routine for doing so. Pick a specific day each week to look for
them, and a specific day each month to fill out the forms. Help your child
until he/she is old enough to do this on their own.
A2 High school freshmen and
sophomores should apply for a one or two each week; while juniors and seniors
should apply for a minimum of three each week, and continue until they’ve
graduated from college.
It is far easier to follow a schedule than to look for scholarships in a haphazard
manner. Create a routine so you don’t have to “decide” to do the work. Deciding
is the hardest part. Find scholarships by following groups who post them daily on
Twitter or Facebook. Then apply for several at one time. Once a day of the week
to do the work is selected, the work is fairly simple. I suggest setting aside
two hours each weekend to apply for scholarships.
You are reading from the blog,, where we empower families with knowledge to navigate the path to higher education without the burden of excessive loans.
For more information, you'll want my book, Free College, CLICK HERE. It teachers families how to help their kids become more successful in school, college, and life.
As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases at no cost to you.
Photo Credit: Google Images
Monday, September 3, 2018
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