A long time ago, when a semester of college cost about the same as a week’s worth of groceries for a family of four, students didn’t spend much time applying for scholarships. They didn’t need to, even college textbooks were inexpensive. Those days are gone. Students and their families need to start looking for scholarships and grants and applying for them much earlier. Some college scholarships are even awarded to children in elementary and middle school.
if you’re in high school, and you haven’t applied for free money yet, just know
someone else has. If you don’t get started now, free money will be harder to
find. But don’t panic quite yet, (unless you’re a high school senior). The calendar
is trying to help you out.
the present time, millions of students are home, since their schools are closed
because of the Coronavirus. I’m sure many of them are playing video games,
watching movies or texting friends. The sharpest ones, however, are using this
free time to find free money. Those are the students who see free time as an
opportunity, and use it to find and apply for college scholarships.
high school has at least one counselor or clerk who is the most knowledgeable
when it comes to everything college. If you’ve made friends with this person
you’ll learn as much as possible about scholarships and grants. You might
even find he/she is still available online. If you want help making a list of scholarships,
email your counselor. then use your free time to apply daily for any that look good.
a plan will allow you to take advantage of found time. While others are bored,
you’re looking for gold. While they’re fooling around on Instagram, you’re finding
free money for college. Find and apply for as many local scholarships as you
can every day. Apply for those offered by your colleges of choice too, of course. Quickly
apply for huge scholarships you find offered by foundations and companies.
any source available to you. There are many scholarships listed online. Go to
my Twitter feed, @ElizaWallace27, and you’ll find several scholarships I’ve
come across. Follow the links to the Twitter accounts of people who focus on
scholarships to find even more. Be sure to check out any scholarship you find
before applying. Make sure it’s real, still available and will cost you nothing to apply but time. Then, go for it. Repeat this process over and over until you’ve
graduated from college debt free.
You are reading from the blog, RoadtoFreeCollege.com, where we empower families with knowledge to navigate the path to higher education without the burden of excessive loans.
For more information, you’ll want my book, Free College, CLICK HERE. It teaches families how to help their kids become more successful in school, college, and life.
As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases at no cost to you.
Photo Credit: Google Images
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