Most people are aware of several requirements for entering college and winning scholarships. High school students must
take “hard” subjects (Honors, AP, IB), maintain a high GPA (grade point
average), score well on the ACT and/or SAT, and satisfy the A – G graduation requirements.
Nearly all parents and many students believe succeeding in these four areas
will guarantee acceptance to the college of their choice and lots of free
cash for college. They're wrong.
These are only the basics. The vast majority of
college, scholarship and grant applicants satisfy them. Their applications make
the first cut. They will not end up in the circular file (wastebasket) on the
first pass. But how does a student make sure his application stands out from
the tens of thousands colleges receive each year? What are the defining habits
of successful college scholarship winners? Do you know them?
If not, you’re not alone. The majority of
parents and students don’t know them either. They guess. Some families
guess correctly, most do not. It’s frustrating to want the best for your child, but you don't know how to make it happen.
When I saw this occur over and over in my high
school classes, I did the research necessary to discover the secrets of successful scholarship winners. There are sixteen of them. Students who
adopt all of these habits, in addition to meeting the four requirements listed above, earn the most scholarship money. Those who practice
fewer earn less free money. What you do to help your children
avoid a lifetime of soul crushing student loan debt is your choice.
You could use your retirement money, so your children
don’t need to take out loans, but why? There are no grants or scholarships for retirement
and a massive supply for college students. More than $46 billion in grants and
scholarships are available each year. Almost $3 billion was not claimed in 2017.
This is because students didn’t qualify, or didn’t apply. Why not learn the
sixteen defining habits of successful scholarship winners and use them to help
your child? They’re included in my book, Free College, which is available on Amazon, CLICK HERE.
No, the book isn’t free. But it costs far less than a
college textbook. You may have seen other books about college scholarships. Most
of them recount the experiences of one student or parent. My book includes a
much larger sampling and was thoroughly researched. I learned in college that a
random survey of 1,500 people has a confidence factor of +/- 3%. I
interviewed and surveyed far more in order to be sure the information I included
is valid.
There are other books available which are aimed at the
last year of high school, CLICK HERE (ad). They contain a great deal of information about
filling out forms and how to apply for college, grants and scholarships, but little
about what to do in advance to qualify for them.
You want to start preparing long before high school, so
there is less stress, anxiety or fear. Students whose parents helped them prepare
years in advance are ready. They’re not rushed, and do far better on tests as
well as on application compositions and during interviews.
My book contains a step-by-step guide to help families
raise children who have a better chance of going to college without needing
college loans. You can pay a little now (for my book), pay a great deal later
(tuition, fees, textbooks, etc.), or saddle your children with mounds of student loan
debt, crippling their future. I did the work in order for you to have the information
you need, so your children won’t add to the $1.2 trillion Americans owe in student
loans. Now it’s up to you.
You are reading from the blog,, where we empower families with knowledge to navigate the path to higher education without the burden of excessive loans.
For more information, you’ll want my book, Free College, CLICK HERE. It teaches families how to help their kids become more successful in school, college, and life.
As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases at no cost to you.
Photo Credit: Google Images
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